March 8th, 2022
New Schools for Alabama
MAY 13, 2021
Nuevas escuelas para Alabama
New Schools for Alabama has selected three new charter schools as recipients of its 2021 Alabama Charter School Program (CSP) Grant Competition. Empower Community Charter School and Phalen Leadership Academies—Bellingrath Middle School will receive a three-year grant of $1,500,000, Ivy Classical Academy will receive a three-year grant of $1,000,000 to support the launch of new, high-quality charter schools in Alabama.
JUL. 31, 2020
New Schools for Alabama selecciona a los beneficiarios de la subvención para escuelas autónomas de $1,500,000
New Schools for Alabama has selected four new charter schools as recipients of its 2020 Alabama Charter School Program (CSP) Grant Competition. Each school will receive a three-year grant of $1,500,000 to support the launch of a new, high-quality charter school in Alabama. The recipients are Accel Day & Evening Academy Middle School, LIFE Academy, Breakthrough Charter School, and Magic City Acceptance Academy. Each is slated to open in the fall of 2021.
JUL. 1, 2020
Seleccionada la segunda cohorte del Programa de Fundadores de Escuelas
New Schools for Alabama ha seleccionado a Anthony Oliver y Ruben Morris como el segundo grupo de su Programa de Fundadores de Escuelas, una beca altamente selectiva de un año de duración para aspirantes a fundadores de escuelas autónomas en Alabama.
Montgomery Advertiser
Noticias diarias de Alabama
Birmingham Business Journal